Our Mission
We understand how import your work space is to you, so we make it our mission to provide exceptional care for all of the surfaces in your space. The result: cleaner, healthier environments to help your business thrive.
Our Services
We maintain all the surfaces that matter to you:
Broadloom Carpet
Carpet Tile and Planks
Sheet Vinyl
Natural Stone
Sealed Concrete
Systems Furniture

Why maintenance matters...
Maintaining your surfaces has many benefits from extending the life of the product to improving indoor air quality, but probably most importantly, proper maintenance is required by most manufacturers for their product warranties to be valid. For example, Shaw Industries, the world's largest carpet manufacturer, states in their warranty:
The carpet must be maintained in accordance with Shaw Contract maintenance (carpet care) recommendations and such maintenance (carpet care) continues throughout the duration of the original installation.
Understanding Shaw's maintenance document, like most manufacturer's, is a somewhat daunting task with a complex matrix of traffic levels, vacuuming, spot removal, interim cleaning, and hot water extraction. Vacuuming is simple, most janitorial contracts will include basic vacuuming services, but what about everything else? Fortunately, we make it simple to comply with the manufacturer's requirements by offering maintenance services on an annual contract basis that include spot removal, interim cleaning and hot water extraction.
As part of our service, we will evaluate your space and work with you to identify which areas qualify as low, medium, heavy and extra heavy traffic and will create a maintenance floor plan color coded by traffic level and surface type.
From there, we will craft a maintenance service package that will meet both your budget needs and compliance with manufacturer requirements.
As a member of the StarNet Worldwide Floor Care group, we are able to offer international scope with local service. We are an IICRC certified firm with ongoing training and certification for our excellent maintenance technicians.